Tuesday, 21 May 2013

8wk - story of ben carson

just watch an AMAZING movie - 'Gifted Hands - Story of Ben Carson'.. it's so amazing that you cannot believe how much i cried, moved to tears by the miraculous gift of life. whom God has appointed, He will guide and protect him into His purpose, i believe this is what God has in plan for dr carson. gifted - yes, but most importantly God watches over him, every acts of him. even when young carson was filled with rage and violence, He protected him from killing his friend in rage. and i guess, it's also because dr carson was willing to humble himself to God, praying for God to take away his temper. that's humility which pleases God. i pray my baby will have this humility in his life, in his character. who are we to boast our knowledge before our Creator? yes, you may say it's knowledge and inspiration which lead dr carson to those successful operations, but where did all those scientific knowledge come from, o you rational mind? those scientific discoveries are revelation of God's creations - how He creates things to work. and those inspirations? i believe it's little hints or directions from God that we should go or discover. how amazing God is! 

perhaps you who watch the same movie may not cry like i do, but from a mother's stand, i totally understand and feels for the children.. why God had them this way at birth - i do not know, but i believe it's all so His Glory of creation can be shown, manifested through dr carson. it hurts for every parent to go through those 'why' questions. this movie touches me so deeply, not just because of how i feel with the parents, but how God has everything and everyone in His plan. God is just so amazing, so wonderful..


perhaps i'm 'destined' to be watching this movie - i woke up late cos i was in fact feeling depressed and worried about my pregnancy, then have a simple breakfast cooked and left for me by my lovely husband, then i felt so uncomfortable and i decided to lie down for whatever movie on tv. the monent i turned on the tv, rhis is the first show on tv and it gripped me to my heart. yeah, i choose to believe this is one of God's ways to comfort me in my depressing time now. my little baby is appointed by God (says so in Jere 33:3), so He will guide and lead his growth. nothing i can do can enhance or interfere his growth. everything is in God's Hands, in His Plan, for His Glory. 

how could i know how his little hands are formed? even with all the latest science, we could only know it grows, taking form inside womb, but we do not know how. God is the Creator of miraculous things, and life is one of His miraculous works. 

Ecclesiastes 11:5

As you do not know the path of the wind,
    or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
    the Maker of all things.

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