i'm not going to kid you: 1st trimester is really NOT EASY~ constantly bodily discomfort is miserable! i cant even eat though i thought i finally have some appetite. a few bites and i'll be bloated. how can anyone go through this~ you have my absolute salute!
need to rest but restless.. i mean, for goodness' sake, besides the compulsory breakfast trips, i am practically lazing on the sofa with tv or at the dinning table with laptop all day. this is my life now! imagine it! i made myself those compulsory trips for breakfast, yet when the little one is 'awake' *i assume only when he is awake hence i feel all those 'movements' / adjustments in my body*, my body turns upside down. yes i reckon he's hungry, but he leaves me no time to get dressed .. when he wants to eat, he wants to eat now! how ruthless life begins~ seriously, now i know what my mum or all mum went through, they have my absolute salute! this is physical torture, man! and to think some people have this first 3mths' secrecy myth, it's insane! how and why suffer in secret, just because of some myth! come'on, i rather let the world know this is torturous period, than to suffer in silence.
yawning and feeling bloated for all day! yet i cant sleep, not even nap.. and i cant eat, not even snacks.. well, i've chosen yogurt and oats bars for snacks. and apparently, it'll takes years to finish them with my few nibbles. honestly, when they say children is miracle from God, they are NOT kidding - it takes a miracle for one to go through this 'adjustments'. oh God, i need Your miracle now~!! keep my baby safe, and get these discomforts away, please please please~~
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